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Tuesday, November 26, 2013

The Divisa Series - it's expanding


Starting in December, the Divisa series is FINALLY going to be available in other venues like Barnes & Nobles, Smashwords, & the Apple store.

Why wasn't available before?

Well, Amazon has this KDP Select program that allows authors to lend the books to Amazon's library, and also lets you do promo days like FREEBIES. But it locks you into a 3 month period at a time and permits authors from listing it on any other site. This was pretty successful for me, and I loved being able to offer my books for free occasionally =)

I have gotten requests lately about the book being available for the Nook, so I have decided to give B&N another shot.

There are also going to be some upcoming bonus scenes from Chase's POV. I am thinking about doing Christmas and Valentines Day bonus material. If you guys have any requests, let me know.

I have also hinted for the last few months that there was going to be another book in the series =) It is true. The next book will be LOVING ANGEL, and it will be entirely from Chase's POV. I am very excited!!!

Unfortunately I do have a few projects scheduled before I can get to this book, so I don't have a clue when it will be released. *sad face*

There are some awesome Giveaways scheduled for the upcoming Holidays - check back for deets!!!


I threw this in just because I never get tired of looking at it!!