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Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Black Crow Release Date

Okay, I gave good news and not-so-good news.

As hard as I tried for a February release for Black Crow, it isn't going to be possible. The good news, I finally have a release date. I never like to commit to a day until I know the book is finished and entering into the editing stages. Houston, we've finally hit that point.

*Happy dance*

Black Crow, book 2 in the Raven Series will be available on
March 25, 2016!

I have also decided too much time had elapsed between book 1 and 2. So expect the final book in the series, Soul Symmetry to be released this fall! I'm shooting for 6 months from the release of Black Crow.

Thank you guys so much for all your ah-ma-zing support and being so patient with me! I've got more exciting stuff planned for 2016 and can't wait to share it with you. It is going to be a jam packed year.

Love your guts out!!!


  1. Yay!!! I can't wait!!! March needs to hurry up lol!!

  2. Yay!!! I can't wait!!! March needs to hurry up lol!!

  3. I am so excited thank you for writing amazing books

  4. Omg I can't wait I need to read it like now... MARCH GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE SO I CAN READ THIS BOOK..

  5. I'm sorta upset that i have to wait to read more but at they same time I'm hella excited because now it comes out on my birthday!

  6. I love all your books and i love White Raven. I have read it like 5 times and ill probably read 2 more times. I cant wait for Black Crow to come out!! March is toooooo far away. They need to invent time travel!
